Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year again. The annual deep-cleansing of your home can be a daunting, but necessary, task. To keep the worries at bay, there are many things you can do to make it a less intimidating project. First, it can be wise to make a checklist. Making a list of everything you’d like to accomplish will keep your brain from being scattered. It will also allow you to really focus on just one task at a time. Keep it realistic, of course. Completing small goals will make you feel like you are actually getting something done and being able to physically check things off of a list might give you the gratification you need to keep going. Take a minute to go through your whole house and decide what you are actually going to be focusing on. Walk through your home room by room and just write down everything you see that could use some attention. Spring cleaning should have a couple different steps involved. You should be deep cleaning things that don’t always get cleaned, but you should also be organizing and de-cluttering. Getting rid of unnecessary objects will add value to your home. Oftentimes, places like air vents, behind appliances, the tops of ceiling fans and window blinds remain neglected or untouched throughout the year. Also, don’t forget to clean things like coffee pots, garbage disposals and the inside of the dishwasher. Don’t rush. You don’t have a deadline. It’s better to accomplish things properly than quickly. But do remember how long it takes you to complete a chore so you can gauge how much time you need. Just think of it this way; if you do it right, you’ll likely not have to do it again for a while. But don’t be too lenient, give yourself a timeline to work with so you know when you are behind schedule. If you aren’t sure what cleaning supplies to use, there are plenty of common household products that can do the trick. Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to clean windows, tubs and toilets. Vinegar is another product that can be great to clean windows, since it leaves minimal streaks. Vinegar can be used as a disinfectant and can be run through a coffee pot to get rid of any mold. Although spring cleaning is a choice, it can be a great excuse to start fresh and de-clutter your home. After all, you’ll want your house to look as nice as your new furniture.